Early Connect London Pilot 2
The GLA requires a Service Provider to deliver the second phase of the Early Connect London Pilot, which is anticipated to take place from January2025. Contract for Early Connect London Pilot 1 was awarded in February 2024 and will be expiring in March 2025. The GLA has secured additional funding for a Service Provider to deliver another year of this Early Connect London Pilot programme. The GLA expects that this project will support an additional 150 young people in the year 13 cohort to enter an apprenticeship. The Service Provider will support the GLA to do this in two ways. 1. Provide young people links to information, advice and resources and delivering online group sessions. This would include working in partnership with regional and local providers and both utilising and devising apprenticeship events and activities to introduce students and employers. This is the light-touch model. 2. Provide 'wraparound' support to young people, helping them identify and apply for the apprenticeships best suited for them by offering a bespoke, individual advice service This would include linking young people to employers and apprenticeship opportunities, supporting their application process and following up when they are in position. This could also include work to generate apprenticeship opportunities from their employer networks. This is the intensive support model.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
80000000 - Education and training services
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors