Early Intervention and Promoting Independence Support Services.
As part of the Nottinghamshire's commissioned prevention services offer, the Council is commissioning a range of support services that have a clear focus on motivating and enabling people to develop the knowledge, skills, involvement and confidence that they identify as important for their on-going, self-managed independence.The services will seek to ensure that people at risk of losing their independence, and those for whom achieving independence is a realistic goal, can be supported to identify and access suitable opportunities from across health, education and the voluntary and community sector in order to achieve their goals for independence.— Lot 1: promoting Independence — Support for Vulnerable Adults.Support vulnerable adults, including people with low and moderate learning disabilities and those with an autism spectrum disorder. The service will support adults whose safety, independence or well-being is at significant risk, to gain the skills and confidence to live without on-going formal support.— Lot 2: early Intervention Support to Maintain Self-management.Will reach older people and people with long term conditions in order to address risks that threaten on-going independence.The service will be targeted at people who have lived independently but are now at risk of escalating need. It will provide information, advice, signposting or short term help to support people to work out how they can adapt to their circumstances in order to continue to self-manage.For the purpose of the tender there will be 3 ‘Service Localities’:— Bassetlaw;— Mid-Nottinghamshire;— South Nottinghamshire.Organisations may tender individually, as a consortium, or a lead organisation in a subcontracting arrangement.The contracts will run from January 2016 for a period 3 years, with an option to extend at the Council's sole discretion for an additional period of up to 12 months and a possible subsequent extension of up to a further 12 months.The 3 services included within this tender will form part of the Nottinghamshire's commissioned prevention services offer. They will be targeted at those who might otherwise be at risk of requiring a more formal social care response in the near future, and those who could be supported towards greater independence. They will predominantly therefore meet the needs of people without assessed, eligible care and support needs. These services, combined with other commissioned prevention services and the range of services, facilities and resources available to the people of Nottinghamshire from the voluntary and community sector should prevent and reduce people's care and support needs, thereby fulfilling the aims of Nottinghamshire's Adult Social Care Strategy and the duties set out in the Care Act.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Tender Awarded :
Awarded date :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85311200 - Welfare services for the handicapped
85000000 - Health and social work services
85312400 - Welfare services not delivered through residential institutions
85311100 - Welfare services for the elderly
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
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Designation :
Phone :
Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors