Earth Observation Data Integration Pilot MIO10: Pilot an operational system for using EO land use and other data sets for targeting water quality monitoring
The Authority is looking for a supplier for Earth Observation Data Integration Pilot (EODIP) Research Project MIO10: A pilot system for analysing Earth Observation (EO), EO-derived and supplementary data to target water quality monitoring. As part of the EODIP initiative, the Authority and the Environment Agency (EA) are seeking to develop a pilot system (based on an existing prototype system) to improve the efficiency of water quality monitoring. The system will use cropping and other land use/land cover change data derived from EO data, supplementary data (including time-series) and analytical methods to generate information to inform the targeting of field sampling effort. The ultimate aim is to develop a successful pilot further to a full operational production system that can support environmental monitoring operations at a national level. This ITT is for work to develop a fully-functional pilot system for all England.
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1 Possible Competitors