East Ayrshire Women's Aid Services
The overall aim of the service is to support to women, children and young people affected by domestic abuse and wider violence against women issues. The objectives of the Service is to: -Support, information and practical help to any woman, child or young person who asks for it. -Provide safe refuge accommodation for women and their children in order for them to be able to escape abuse, and to have support in deciding what to do next. -Provide refuge, as far as possible, for as long as women and their children need it and the opportunity to make important decisions free of pressure. -Offer resettlement support to any women and their children who have left refuge. -Provide specialist support to children and young people affected by domestic abuse whether or not they are living in refuge. -Maintain positive relationships with other organisations and statutory agencies to ensure the best outcomes for people using the service. -Ensure women, children and young people are actively involved in the planning and development of services. -To actively seek the views of women, children and young people, their families, in the planning and delivery of the service and take actions to improve service delivery and inform wider partnership planning. -Become involved in any partnerships and external initiatives which seek to improve the options available to women, children and young people experiencing domestic abuse.
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CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors