
East Staffordshire - Improving Lives.


This description of scope is supplemented by the additional details included within the Memorandum of Information (MOI) which is available from the Bravo e-tendering portal used for this procurement the details of which are set out at the end of this section.East Staffordshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is responsible for the commissioning of healthcare services for 136 000 patients across the Burton upon Trent and Uttoxeter area. The CCG wish to significantly transform the way services for long term conditions, intermediate care and frail elderly are delivered across East Staffordshire. There are an estimated 38 000 adults across East Staffordshire with a Long Term Condition, of which 6,000 are defined as frail elderly. Current data, clinical evidence and feedback from our patients provides a compelling need to change in order to ensure that all patients with long term conditions and/or are frail elderly, and their carers, get the safe and high quality services they need to improve their life experience and outcomes. In line with national and local policy, East Staffordshire CCG intend to move to a model which aims to reduce unscheduled care activity in adults aged 19 and over and supports and enables patients and their carers to maintain maximum control and independence, empowers and supports self-care and self-management where this is the patient's preference; integrates health and social care and across sectors of provision; utilises modern remote monitoring and self-care technologies as appropriate; improves health outcomes; reduces inequalities and rebalances delivery towards domiciliary and community provision from bed based models.The current indicative services in scope at this stage include a range of identified NHS community and acute based services including but not limited to: specific community based specialist and generalist nursing services, acute based non elective admissions, and identified outpatient first and follow ups and procedures. Further details of in scope services are included in the MOI. The full scope will be determined and agreed through the procurement process. In order to achieve this vision, the CCG intend to commission a prime contractor via an outcome based, long term contract.There are a range of services, outside of the main acute and community services contracts, commissioned by East Staffordshire CCG, that are not currently in scope.This includes but is not limited to:— Primary Care - Enhanced services, out of hours and 111—Third Sector Contracts/Non-NHS Contracts/Grants**It will be those Third Sector Contracts/Non-NHS contracts/Grants that support patients with long term conditions, or are frail elderly/intermediate care services.Although these services are not presently within scope, the successful bidder will be expected to work in close alignment with the providers of these services and other providers of services not directly commissioned by East Staffordshire CCG. This will ensure integration across the wider system, recognising the interdependencies of services and the potential impact the relationship between them will have on improved outcomes for patients and carers in East Staffordshire and across the system.Although not presently in scope, this does not preclude the option for the CCG to include these services within the scope of the contract during the contract termThe CCG is and has been working with Staffordshire County Council (the 'Council') relating to the possible integration of adult social services with the NHS services covered by this procurement. Whilst it is the current intention that the Council will join the procurement in due course, at this stage the Council cannot commit to participating in this procurement or that its relevant adult social care services will fall within the scope of the contract. However, the Council has the option that at a later date, subject to agreement with the CCG, it may participate and for its services to fall within the contract scope. This option may be exercised either during the procurement process or during the contract term. The Council and the CCG also have yet to agree the contractual approach should the option for the Council to participate be exercised. This may be by the Council being a party to the contract with the successful provider; or through the CCG contracting with the successful provider on behalf of the Council or through an alternative contract mechanism to be agreed between the CCG and Council.The potential high level scope of adult social care services includes, but is not limited to, those services outlined within Appendix 3 of the MOI. Also included in the MOI is 2014/15 anticipated outturn and the estimated financial envelope for 2015/16 against these services, which is subject to further validation.We are seeking expressions of interest from organisations who share the CCG's vision for the future and are willing to work with us in a trusted partnership to further shape, evolve and implement this vision to gain the benefits that this will bring in relation to positive health and wellbeing outcomes for service users, an improved patient and carer experience and the realisation of efficiencies across the system.The CCG are keen to hear from organisations who believe that they have the experience, creativity and capability to drive forward whole system transformation at scale through: - Changing cultures, behaviours and beliefs across the healthcare system - The provision of modern and innovative healthcare services which support patients at all levels of complexity - Integration across a range of health, social care and voluntary sector services - Influencing partner organisations to deliver better outcomes for patientsCandidates wishing to be considered must register their expression of interest & provide additional procurement-specific information (by completing a Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) through the portal as follows: i) Candidates should register on the portal at (registration and use of the website is free of charge). ii) Once registered, candidates must express interest by a) logging-in to the CMCSU e-Tendering portal, b) selecting response to advert and PQQ, c) select Open Access PQQ, d) search for and access listing related to this contract and view details, e) click on Express Interest link iii) Once you have expressed interest, access the My PQQs page where you can download documentation (if required) & construct your reply as instructed. You must submit your reply on the website by the deadline stated. For technical support in submitting your expression of interest contact the BravoSolution Help-desk on +44 8003684850 or


Published Date :

17th Jul 2014 10 years ago

Deadline :

22nd Aug 2014 10 years ago

Contract Start :


Contract End :


Tender Regions

CPV Codes

85100000 - Health services

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Status :


Assign to :

Tender Progress :



Notice Type :

Open opportunity

Tender Identifier :

IT-378-246-T: 2024 - 001

TenderBase ID :


Low Value :


High Value :


Region :

North Region

Attachments :

Buyer Information

Address :

Liverpool Merseyside , Merseyside , L13 0BQ

Website :


Procurement Contact

Name :

Tina Smith

Designation :

Chief Executive Officer

Phone :

0151 252 3243

Email :

Possible Competitors

1 Possible Competitors