East Surrey CCG Enhanced Primary Care Services
NHS East Surrey Clinical Commissioning Group (‘the CCG’) is directly awarding a contract to Alliance for Better Care Limited (‘ABC’) as primary care partner to work together with the CCG to deliver an enhanced set of primary care services. ABC is a Federation comprising 17 of the 18 General Practices in East Surrey. The CCG has directly awarded the contract for enhanced primary care services to ABC following its assessment of the provider as the most capable provider of the services in line with the NHS Procurement, Patient Choice and Competition Regulations 2013 and in light of Monitor's substantive guidance on those regulations. NHS East Surrey CCG is satisfied that the services, to which the contract relates, will be most capably provided by that provider. The services will be delivered for the registered patient population and therefore there will be considerable overlap with existing primary care services in the local area. ABC will be the primary care partner that works with the CCG to refine the strategy and finalise the ultimate suite of enhanced services to be delivered. Individual service specifications will be finalised and awarded to ABC following individual business case approval. Examples of the types of services likely to be delivered under the contract are set out below. •The provision of enhanced medical care in nursing and residential homes. •Enhanced support, monitoring and self-management support for people with long term conditions. •Care coordination and planning for people with complex needs. •Schemes to improve patient access, including extended access for both routine and urgent care. •Services to manage low level conditions in primary and community care, with the objective of reducing reliance on planned and unplanned secondary care attendances, and bringing care closer to home. The services may include some schemes currently delivered under Locally Commissioned Service arrangements, as these are brought together under the umbrella of this contract.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors