EC0716 Large Animals Research & Imaging Facility (LARIF) MRI Scanner.
1. You are invited by The University of Edinburgh to tender for the supply, installation and technical services relating to the equipment listed in this document, all in terms of, and in accordance with, the Invitation to Tender of which this Invitation to Tender Letter and Special invitation to tender instructions, forms part.2. The equipment shall be delivered and installed in the Large Animal Research Imaging Facility (LARIF), The University of Edinburgh, Easter Bush, Mid Lothian.3. This tender makes mention to a number of imaging systems and a linear accelerator. Please note this tender only refers to the purchase of one 3T MRI, other equipment is mentioned to provide context and in some cases to highlight the proximity of high-energy systems, which will be, positioned in proximity to the MRI.4. Tender offers shall be valid until 31.8.2016.5. Special payment plans for the 3T MRI scanner, turnkey, bespoke tables and major ancillary equipment items.5.1. This invitation to tender has been released by The University of Edinburgh ahead of the commissioning of the building. The University shall not be in a position to permit turnkey works and subsequent scanner delivery until the build is part complete, see the front sheet of this document for timescales.5.2. The University plan to execute a contract for the MRI equipment, turnkey, bespoke tables and major items of ancillary equipment June 2016. Payment may need to be followed up by a Banker's Guarantee (otherwise known as an Advanced Payment Guarantee); this may need to be kept valid and/or extended until the MRI is delivered to site. Schedule 15 presents The University's preferred format of guarantee to be used5.3. The bespoke tables shall require custom design and build following the contract execution and the delivery will be required prior to when the facility goes live. Due to the bespoke nature of these tables, The University has proposed provisional sums based on systems manufactured for other large animal imaging facilities in Europe and the USA and have assessed their costs against our specific needs. The provisional sums are incorporated by The University into Schedule 08 Pricing and shall not be altered by the Tenderer.5.4. As such, Tenderers enter into this Tender process on the understanding that the funding profile and building schedule of the LARIF project may be altered. The University reserves the right to postpone, cancel or abandon the Tender up until the time a contract is executed for the supply and installation of the 3T MRI and the related sub systems.6. Your proposed equipment shall meet, or better, the specifications shown in Schedule 02 Statement of Requirements.7. If you cannot supply the exact equipment The University needs, you may suggest alternatives that meet or exceeds the specifications, whilst complying with any minimum standards and the primary outputs expected from equipment of this nature. Please clearly show the benefits of any such alternatives.8. A number of Minimum Standards have been presented in Schedule 12 Technical Capacity and Minimum Standards which will require an affirmative response to ensure Tenderers offers can be considered. To be clear, failure to pass Minimum Standards shall preclude your offer from being considered.9. Tenderers shall complete Schedule 08 Pricing, in the format indicated, including delivery, installation, commissioning, training and any other special requirements as listed elsewhere in this document. Tenderers shall also supply costed offers in their own detailed formats, this is in addition to completing the Schedule 08 Pricing. The pricing in both formats should be consistent.10. Your pricing shall exclude VAT. The University will issue a VAT zero rating certificate.11. The University may ask to see similar demonstration equipment to allow end-users to evaluate products (post tender) at Equipment Tenderers' expense. The Tenderers are expected to make all arrangements at a mutually agreeable time for all parties concerned. Any site visits undertaken would be used to help better understand the Tenderer's offer and would not contribute directly to the tender scoring process.12. Your Tender must be submitted in accordance with this Invitation to Tender Letter, the Tender documents and all attachments, including drawings and data sheets. In accordance with the attached / supplied documents, all of which shall be deemed to form and to be read and to be construed as part of this Invitation to Tender.13. Tenders must arrive no later than the date stated on the front page of this document.14. Tender requests will be issued and should be returned offers through the Public Contracts Scotland — Tender (PCS-T) web-portal. Please refer to Schedule 1 for full details.15. Tenders must be submitted in English.16. No hard copies tender offers will be accepted, unless by prior arrangement with the Procurement Manager.17. Correspondence connected with this tender must be submitted via the PCS-T portal.18. It is the responsibility of all tenderers to ensure that their tender is submitted no later than the appointed time, complete with all Schedules and Bill of Quantities completed.19. Tenders received after the allocated time may not be considered.20. The University of Edinburgh is not bound to accept the lowest cost or any tender.21. The University of Edinburgh reserve the right to order only part or none of the equipment specified in this tender.22. The University of Edinburgh reserve the right to cancel or suspend this procurement procedure at any time.23. Throughout the ITT a number of costed options are requested, highlighted as ‘Costed Option’. These will not be scored as part of the tender process but if funds permit may be procured once a formal decision has been notified. Costs should be provided for these options in Schedule 08 Pricing.Yours faithfully,Jen PatersonProcurement Officerfor the University of EdinburghNote: The buyer is using PCS-Tender to carry out this procurement process. Please note this is a separate website and if you are not already registered, registration will be required.To access PCS-Tender, record your interest in this notice and access the tender documentation please visit and search for project Code 5787 under ITTs Open to All Suppliers. Please use the Search/Filter function, then select Project Code from the dropdown. Please note that once you have expressed interest in the ITT it will move to your My ITTs area.For further information on using PCS-Tender, please read the Supplier Response Guide: you have already registered on Public Contracts Scotland and PCS-Tender and paired your accounts you can access PCS-Tender through your Public Contracts Scotland Control Panel.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
33113000 - Magnetic resonance imaging equipment
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
Region :
Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
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Designation :
Phone :
Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors