E-cargo App Development
Colchester City Council (the Council) wishes to commission a contractor to develop a Web app to bring together local businesses, shops, retailers other traders (e.g. popup shops, regular and other markets, special events) and members of the public who could be their potential customers, and to connect them all with the idea and process of using an eCargo Bike delivery service to collect and deliver items they have ordered, or for another reason, need moved all across Colchester. We therefore require as our essential requirement a single web application software program hosted on a web server and accessed through a web browser (rather than installed on user's computer) is acceptable. The application should natively support standard browsers such as Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Safari, operating systems iOS and Windows devices, and automatically tailor the display of the website to the device it is being viewed on. A desirable option would be a supporting mobile app, code and resourcing allowing, however this is not an essential"
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
72212222 - Web server software development services
Status :
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors