E-commerce Platform
The University of Reading uses its current e-commerce system ( to support the selling of products and event bookings for a range of Schools and Functions across the University. There are three overarching aims in improving the existing system: 1.Develop a sustainable, more efficient, more engaging and more accessible approach to e-commerce at the University of Reading. This includes closer alignment between the online and physical user experience of e-commerce. 2.Develop a system which provides better front-end capabilities and user journey for the customer. 3.Develop a system which provides better back-end capabilities that are streamlined, automated and user-friendly. The development of a new e-commerce system would serve the needs of all schools, functions and organisations linked to the University. It would also ensure integration with other systems used by departments at the university. The University expects to be issuing a tender fo
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors