Economic contribution of the arts and culture to the national economy
We are seeking a supplier to undertake research to help demonstrate and articulate the economic contribution of the arts and culture sector to the national economy, which should include the contribution of museums and libraries. The overall aim of the research is to develop a clear, robust and evidence‐based understanding of the contribution made by these activities and to gather essential insight into the nature of this contribution. This will provide an updated picture of the sector's contribution to the economy, following on from four previous studies conducted by the Centre for Economics and Business Research (Cebr), the most recent of which was published in April 2019 This was first commissioned in 2013 to further develop our understanding of how the arts, museums and libraries sectors contribute to the national economy, in order demonstrate the sector's contribution to prosperity. As part of this iteration of the work we are wanting to revisit the definition of what constitutes arts and culture activity, in order to better align with DCMS's cultural sector estimates. The purpose of this ongoing strand of research, and the objective of this ITT, is to continue to develop a clear and robust account of the economic contribution arts and culture make to the national economy.
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1 Possible Competitors