Economic Dialogue on Green Growth in Bangladesh.
Bangladesh has made remarkable progress over the past two decades, lifting millions out of poverty and sustaining expanding levels of economic growth. It has achieved this in spite of major internal and external challenges — global economic downturns, natural disasters and periods of political uncertainty — which have tested the resolve of the Bangladesh economy. To increase the dialogue on economic reforms, and support the Government of Bangladesh to make pro-poor economic policies, DFID will invest in research/evaluation where clear gaps in evidence have been identified and develop partnerships with those with proven ability to influence economic policy and respond to selective requests from GoB to help implement economic reforms. As part of the Strengthening Economic Systems in Bangladesh Programme, DFID-Bangladesh would like to commission a programme of economic dialogue on Green Growth.DFID-Bangladesh would like to commission a programme of research, outreach and dissemination on Green Growth that embodies both short-term policy dialogue think-pieces as well as longer term thematic policy relevant research. The contract will be issued for 3 years. Suppliers are invited to complete the pre-qualification questionnaire, and a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 8 suppliers will then be invited to the second stage.
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CPV Codes
75211200 - Foreign economic-aid-related services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors