Economic Value of the Defence Sector in the UK
BIS Research & Evaluation Framework Lot 1 Background The Government’s National Security Strategy (NSS) and Strategic Defence and Security Review (SDSR), published in November 2015, including “Promoting our Prosperity” as a national security objective. This included commitments to refresh defence industrial policy as one of a number of measures to help the UK’s defence industry grow and compete successfully, to drive greater innovation into defence procurement and to ensure that future investment decisions contribute to a more dynamic and productive economy. To support this work BIS has identified a need to better understand the contribution that the defence sector currently makes to the UK economy. This project should refresh and develop further, the evidence base to support HMG in assessing the costs and benefits of investment decisions in defence. It could also support HMG work to develop a methodology for assessing value for money in defence investment decisions (e.g. covering trade-offs between capability, cost and exportability). Aims and Objectives of the Project The aim of this study is to better understand the value of jobs and skills in the Defence sector, and their role in driving the productivity of the sector
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