Editing and Filming for Cumbrian Bogs LIFE+ end of project film and short films
The purpose of the new contract is twofold: - Taking the footage of the bog restoration work shot as part of the previous contract along with other images created by the project, and editing with additional filming, voiceover and images (where required) into a 10 minute film for the end of project conference describing the restoration works undertaken during the project - and later posting on YouTube. - Using the footage of the bog restoration work shot as part of the previous contract, create a series of three short technical films aimed at lowland bog restoration professionals, showing what techniques have been used within the project, and the practical application of these techniques in restoring bogs. The topics will include: o Using peat bunding to raise the hydrology and rewet degraded lowland raised bogs o Use of rotary flails in removing rhododendron and scrub from lowland raised bogs o Re-vegetating milled peat sites - practical techniques and lessons learnt There will be additional footage and graphics required to complete this work and more detailed interviews with contractors illustrating issues and techniques required to deal with them.
Published Date :
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Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
92111000 - Motion picture and video production services
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors