EDRM - Electronic Document and Records Management System and Scanning Service - PP155.
The key objective of this project is to procure and implement an integrated electronic document and records management system (EDRMS) across the whole of the organisation.In summary the brief provides for two elements:Lot 1 – The software solutionLot 2 – the back scanning and ongoing scanning requirements into the adopted solution.The scope of the procurement is to initially create an information & records management framework that includes an electronic tenant and property record solution in the first instance . This will include tenancy management workflows for new customers and back scanning of historical documentation.However it will be necessary to consider within the procurement the longer term objectives of the organisation which is to ensure that the chosen solution is flexible, expandable and continues to meet all legislative requirements now and in the future. This should incorporate the future aspirations of providing a technical solution with full workflow and electronic distribution functionality enabling Orbit to manage its inspiration effectively during the complete life cycle of all functions within the organisation.
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CPV Codes
48311000 - Document management software package
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors