Education Funding Reform Programme
All members of the EFRP working group are keen to engage stakeholders in the system in the development of the strategy to ensure together we can identify the correct direction and right key benefits and approach for this programme of work. The working group have identified the following as the values that should be the foundations that shape the overall strategy for the healthcare Education Funding Reform Programme. •Credible and Sustainable •Transparent •Responsive •Connected •Value, Impact, and quality The ask of the commissioned provider in this programme of work is to now explore strategically with key stakeholders the following: •How can we reform healthcare education and training funding to deliver transparency on funding and deliver clear accountability so that all stakeholders understand how funds are allocated, while allowing providers more autonomy to support local workforce needs. •How can we put the student, educators, trainers, staff, and future employers at the heart of the healthcare education and training funding system. •How can we provide equitable access to learning opportunities for all professional groups and make sure that healthcare staff receive training and learning flexibly throughout their careers. •How will we use funding to deliver high quality education and training resulting in high quality outcomes that allow for rewarding healthcare careers and that deliver value for money for the taxpayer. •How can we be responsive and innovative to changes including in technology and service.
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CPV Codes
80000000 - Education and training services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors