Education Research In Conflict and Protracted Crisis (ERICC)
The Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) is seeking a supplier or consortium of institutions/organisations with a combination of academic, operational and managerial expertise to deliver aspects of the education research in conflict and protracted crisis (ERICC) programme. The programme will have an initial duration of 36 months, running from April 2021 until at least March 2024 with a contract budget for this period of up to GBP 15.8 million. The programme will have anticipated extension options of up to 72 months and up to a further GBP 20.5 million, giving a maximum contract duration and value, including extension options, of 108 months and GBP 36.3 million. The supplier/consortium may include academic institutions, civil societies and commercial organisations. The supplier will fulfil the role of the ERICC Research Programme Consortium (RPC) within the broader ERICC programme structure.The ERICC programme will have four components. The supplier will deliver:Component 1: research on the most effective approaches to education provision in conflict and protracted crisis; andComponent 2: in-country operational support;Component 3: promoting Research uptake across FCDO and the international community will be delivered by an organisation awarded an accountable grant;Component 4: knowledge systems strengthening will be delivered by the British Academy.While those organisations will be responsible for the regular operational delivery of components 3 and 4, the supplier will work in close collaboration with them. Cognisant of the interdependencies between all four components, the supplier, in order to fulfil its obligations under this contract and to achieve the overall vision of ERICC, will make positive contributions to components 3 and 4.The objective of the ERICC programme is to deliver and maximise uptake of new, operationally and policy relevant evidence on the most effective approaches to education provision in conflict and protracted crisis contexts. ERICC’s focus can include formal, non-formal and informal education sectors. The main focus of the research should be on basic education (i.e. primary and lower secondary levels) in order to align it with FCDO priorities and programming. However, research may additionally cover a wider range of age groups, including from pre-primary to youth, secondary and higher education, particularly where this is aligned with FCDO priorities and programming at the country level.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
75211200 - Foreign economic-aid-related services
Education Research In Conflict and Protracted Crisis (ERICC)
Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO)
consortium of institutions/organisations
ERICC Research Programme Consortium (RPC)
effective approaches to education provision
in-country operational support
knowledge systems strengthening
Status :
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Tender Progress :
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Low Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors