Education Skills Funding Audit 2021
Sheffield City Council is looking for a provider that is accredited to carry out an ESFA audit in July 2021.Education Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) requires 'Providers' to obtain an annual report from an external auditor if their Adult Education Budget (AEB) and Apprenticeship funding contracts with subcontractors exceed £100,000 in any one funding year.We a looking for a company that can provide us with a report that includes the following:•Provide assurance on the arrangements to manage and control delivery subcontractors•Comply with guidance issued by ESFA that relate to subcontracting. (ESFA Adult Education Budget: funding and performance management rules 2020/21 and Apprenticeship funding: rules for employers-providers - 2020/21).The auditor will be required to compare the Provider's end-to-end subcontracting processes with the funding rules and provide a report. The report will address the specific elements of the Provider's end-to-end subcontracting process as specified in the sections that cover contracting and subcontracting in the ESFA funding guidance for AEB and Apprenticeship Funding (see links below). The audit will need to cover the following areas:•Register of Training Organisations;•Policy for delivery subcontracting;•Selection and procurement;•Entering into a subcontract;•Terms to be included in contracts;•Monitoring;•Second level subcontracting arrangements;•Reporting on subcontracting.ESFA funding guidance that relates to this audit.AEB Budget Funding rules:Adult education budget (AEB) funding rules 2020 to 2021 - GOV.UK ( Funding rules:2021_Employer-Provider_Rules_Version_5_v1.0_FINAL__002_.pdf (
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors