e-ITT for the provision of Holly Hill Woodland Park Masterplan and Tender Documentation
To provide an accurate fee proposal to produce a 'Management, Restoration, Conservation and Enhancement Plan' for the pond and lake system of Holly Hill Woodland Park. The outcome required is a tender document for engineering and landscaping work to improve the functionality, sustainability and aesthetic appearance of the lakes and ponds within Holly Hill Woodland Park - a Council-owned public parkland, which was once a Victorian landscaped garden. In order to achieve the outcome it will be necessary to undertake a feasibility study including all relevant surveys to assist with solving the major silting problem in the lakes and general long-term improvement of the parkland as a whole. Using the survey information to compile a report of recommendations/solutions and costings, whilst working with the Council to ensure future management is in-keeping with the Park's history and current usage. There will be a need for stakeholder consultation as part of the Masterplan and tender documentation development.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors