EKFB - Green Tunnel Portal Buildings
EKFB are delivering civil engineering works across an 80km section of the new high speed rail link between the Chiltern Tunnel and Long Itchington Wood. Our scope of the works includes 15 viaducts, 6.9km of green tunnels, 22km of road diversions, 81 bridges and around 30 million cubic metres of excavation. EKFB are seeking to appoint a sub-contractor undertake the construction of 4 green tunnel portal building as detailed below: The buildings are to accommodate the mechanical, electrical, and communication equipment for operation of the tunnel. There will be a total of four portal buildings which are expected to have identical specifications and dimensions. Each building will be 50m length and a 15m width. See general arrangement. The buildings are situated at each end of the tunnels, which are located at Chipping Warden & Greatworth. Ground works and concrete slab will be carried out by EKFB, so this package is for all works above concrete slab and include but not limited to: •Steelwork •Cladding & Roofing •Internal fit out - ie. blockwork, partitions, plastering, painting, fire stopping, joinery •Mechanical & Electrical works ie, natural ventilation system , general mechanical heat recovery ventilation system, temperature control ventilation system, mechanical cooling system, electrical heating system, building management system, automatic monitoring & control, fire detection & alarm, fire hydrant system ,uninterrupted power system, cable management system, gas suppression system, normal & emergency lighting, power supply system, distribution for lighting, small power, emergency lighting, mechanical cooling and heating system, distribution for communication and other essential services •Landscaping Work
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
71334000 - Mechanical and electrical engineering services
51120000 - Installation services of mechanical equipment
71333000 - Mechanical engineering services
45210000 - Building construction work
45315000 - Electrical installation work of heating and other electrical building-equipment
45213300 - Buildings associated with transport
45213250 - Construction work for industrial buildings
45351000 - Mechanical engineering installation works
45213200 - Construction work for warehouses and industrial buildings
51100000 - Installation services of electrical and mechanical equipment
45213320 - Construction work for buildings relating to railway transport
45213350 - Construction work for buildings relating to various means of transport
Status :
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Tender Progress :
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Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors