EKFB JV - Precast concrete panels forming part of route wide acoustic barrier - NEC Subcontract Works
EKFB is seeking to appoint competent sub-contractor(s) to supply and install aspects of an acoustic barrier solution which will total approximately 25km in length and run route wide from North Chilterns to Southam. We are looking for expressions of interest for all aspects, including the potential for a complete turnkey offering (advertised separately). Please consider the information below and whether this opportunity is suitable for your business. Reinforced concrete precast concrete panels - a) Approx 26,000nr 4m wide, 1/1.5m high, thickness between 170mm and 380mm with an integrated acoustic layer formed of wood chip concrete Approx. 20% will have a cast in 'crank' at the head of the panel. Approx. 60% will require slots cast into the profile on each side. b) Approx 1,200nr 3m wide, 1/1.5m high with an integrated acoustic layer formed of wood chip concrete Through this expression of interest you will be vetted in accordance with the EKFB prequalification model - for further information visit Following receipt of the questionnaire, we will create a short list by assessing capabilities, experience and availability of each supplier. Upon successful shortlisting you will be invited to tender from the EKFB e-Sourcing platform Market Dojo, EKFB will be using a balanced scorecard approach to its procurement activities - for further information visit the above website.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors