Electric Vehicle Project Support
Tees Valley Combined Authority (TVCA) successfully obtained £6.5m Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (LEVI) funding from Government to provide a step change in on street EV charging infrastructure in the region. This will be procured on a concessionary basis, with a significant amount of private sector investment expected by the chargepoint operator, subsidised by LEVI funding. TVCA require support in the following three areas to support project delivery: • Site selection and assessment (Phase 1a - basis of initial contract) • Construction (Design and Management) Regulations - Client support (Phase 2 - potential extension to initial contract) • Technical Specialist advisor to TVCA to assist contract management for the LEVI concession contract (Phase 2 - potential extension to initial contract). TVCA are also in the process of installing a network of publicly accessible EV charge points in Local Authority owned car parks on an own and operate basis. TVCA have procured Blink Charging to install, operate and maintain the network of chargepoints until Summer 2026. TVCA require additional capacity to support TVCA activities in relation to the installation of the final 10 charge points on the network. (Phase 1b - basis of initial contract)
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors