Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) - Circular Economy Training Hub
West London Waste Authority (WLWA) is working with Ealing Council to deliver a Circular Economy Hub in Acton. The Hub will deliver a range of services including sale of reuse items, events teaching people repair skills, distribution of food to people experiencing hardship, and hosting circular economy businesses onsite. WLWA are seeking a partner to work with Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) items onsite. This has been envisaged as a training facility that teaches residents skills around repair and reuse, as well as a service that repairs resident's items at cost to the resident. We are, however, open to other operations that support the reduction of electronic waste and supports a circular economy in West London. We expect the day to day running of the facility to be operated by at least one member of staff, five days a week (TBC - but likely Wednesday to Sunday) within standard business operating hours. The aim of this market engagement is to determine whether there are suppliers in the market that are able to deliver the required services to WLWA. If you are interested in the opportunity, please complete the attached questionnaire and return to by no later than 10:00am on Friday 20th September 2024. *** Please note that this is neither a call for competition nor a procurement exercise ***
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors