
Electronic Auction Services.


Electronic auction services. The MoD has a requirement for the provision of Reverse Auction Services for the period 1.1.2014 to 30.11.2015. The varied nature of MoD procurements means that differing levels and complexity of service may be required. These can be grouped into three broad categories as below. The typical services required under each service level are described, though these may vary from one requirement to another:— 'Basic' Auction Service If required, formally notify each compliant Tenderer of their eligibility to participate in the Reverse Auction. Provide training and IT assistance to ensure that Tenderers can participate in the Reverse Auction, if they so wish. Answer any questions raised by Tenderers relating to the set-up, management and/or running of the Reverse Auction event Set up/operate Auction Web-Site software as appropriate for a Basic Service Requirement. Ensure that the Auction Web-site is set-up to facilitate viewing of the starting prices by each compliant Tenderer prior (usually one working day) to the date on which the Reverse Auction event is scheduled to take place, but not to permit any bidding activity. Handle bid spreadsheets provided by MoD, but refer any queries raised by bidders to MoD. Host the Reverse Auction event at a MoD or other location. Provide proxy-bidding system, in case of any bidder experiencing difficulty or technical breakdown during the Reverse Auction. Provide summary details of bidders invited and bids received during the Reverse Auction. Produce financial and management summaries as may reasonably be requested by MoD.— 'Full' Auction Service This consists of all those services listed under the Basic Service plus: Research to identify new additional suppliers for potential inclusion on the Tender List. Provide Market Strategy Advice, including Lotting proposals, in order to fully maximise the potential for cost savings to be achieved. Review historic item/service data provided by MoD to highlight any obvious discrepancies or omissions in detail, make recommendations on the number and composition of Lots and to support the development of electronic pricing spreadsheets. Develop, or assist with development of, any electronic pricing spreadsheeting requirements. If relevant provide advice on the development of weightings for a Reverse Auction, where one or more non-price factors are to be taken into account, in order to ensure that these can be applied to the supply line items/services being procured. If required, contact tendering companies to remind them to ensure any intended response is submitted before the ITT closing date. Analyse all pricing data that MoD receives from those companies responding to the ITT in order to highlight any obvious discrepancies or omissions and, where necessary, to recommend any changes to the intended number and composition of Lots. Set up/operate Auction Web-Site software as appropriate for a Full Service Requirement.— 'Complex' Auction Service This includes all the Full and Basic Services plus: Detailed data Scrutiny and Research to clarify and verify the content of each MoD provided specification. Detailed data scrutiny to verify the accuracy of any historic item data provided by MoD, so as to ensure that the recommended Lotting strategy and/or complex Cost Model is robust. Assist with review of the Reverse Auction process including development of complex Cost Models.— Main Place of Performance or Delivery: Primarily Bristol, although the services will also be required at other locations within the UK.


Published Date :

9th Oct 2013 11 years ago

Deadline :

14th Nov 2013 11 years ago

Contract Start :


Contract End :


Tender Regions

CPV Codes

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Status :


Assign to :

Tender Progress :



Notice Type :

Open opportunity

Tender Identifier :

IT-378-246-T: 2024 - 001

TenderBase ID :


Low Value :


High Value :


Region :

North Region

Attachments :

Buyer Information

Address :

Liverpool Merseyside , Merseyside , L13 0BQ

Website :


Procurement Contact

Name :

Tina Smith

Designation :

Chief Executive Officer

Phone :

0151 252 3243

Email :

Possible Competitors

1 Possible Competitors