Emotional and Mental Health Support Service for Children in Harrow
The service will:, - deliver a targeted emotional health and wellbeing service in Harrow that is community based with outreach to schools that provides appropriate, early intervention;, - complement and work closely with relevant services to ensure that children and young people are seen holistically;, - provide short to medium term therapeutic intervention, with an ethos that encourages choice by putting children and young people at the centre;, - ensure that children and young people's engagement and participation is fundamental to the delivery of the service;, - provide counselling, information, advice and guidance on recovering and rebuilding family relationships to Harrow children, young people and their parent/carer Offering support to children and young people in Harrow who need help to improve their emotional health & wellbeing.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85100000 - Health services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors