Emotional Health & Wellbeing Services (EHWS) for children and young people (0 -25 years)
NHS Midlands and Lancashire Commissioning Support Unit (MLCSU) on behalf of NHS Telford & Wrekin and Shropshire Clinical Commissioning Groups (the CCGs), Telford & Wrekin and Shropshire Councils (the Councils) wish to invite Providers to attend a Pre-Market Provider Engagement Event which shall inform potential Providers of the CCGs’ and Councils’ commissioning intentions to provide Emotional Health & Wellbeing Services (EHWS) for children and young people (0 -25 years). The main aspiration is that the proposed model would significantly improve the care and support, putting the child/young person and their family first. The Provider shall be accountable for ensuring that outcomes improve for all children and young people to ensure that inequalities in health are reduced. The Provider shall deliver a highly visible and accessible service that takes advantage of developments in the digital world. The services shall play a vital part in ensuring every child, whatever their start in life, is enabled to achieve their optimum health and wellbeing and secure a successful and healthy transition to adulthood. The Provider shall need to work across children and young people’s health and wellbeing services in an integrated way to improve outcomes for children and young people and shall work in close partnership with other children and young people’s Service Providers in Telford & Wrekin and Shropshire, including other NHS organisations, Councils and the Voluntary sector. This approach seeks to ensure that the Provider is responsible for delivery of care pathways and outcomes, rather than services labelled by the name of the profession providing them and they shall have the freedom to configure cross-cutting teams to achieve joint outcomes. The Pre-Market Provider Engagement Event shall provide opportunities to: •Understand the current service provision •Understand the Commissioners’ proposed Service Model •Better understand the forthcoming procurement process •Meet and network with peers and/or potential consortium Providers Please refer to the attached Market Testing Information Pack for further information. Please also refer to the Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHs) Transformation Plan (November, 2015) for Telford & Wrekin and Shropshire, which can be accessed via the following hyperlink: We invite interested Providers to attend a Pre-Market Provider Engagement Event commencing at 1400 hours on Saturday, 19th March, 2016. The event shall be held at Meeting Point House, Walker Room, Telford, TF3 4HS. Please register by completing the attached Registration Form and submit via email to by no later than 1200 hours on 29th February, 2016.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
Status :
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Low Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
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Designation :
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Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors