Employee Qualitative Insights and Satisfaction Improvement Recommendations
The Catapult participated in the 2017 Sunday Times Best Companies to Work for survey. The survey was conducted in October 2016, one week after an organizational restructure was announced. The survey measures employee satisfaction across eight factors: leadership; my company; my team; my manager; fair deal; personal growth; leadership, and giving something back. The Catapult is looking to improve on the results of the survey by identifying the reasons behind the results, and engaging employees across the organisation in identifying practical solutions that will enable the Catapult to improve across each of the factors. The Catapult is seeking the services of a suitably experienced and capable service provider to elicit qualitative feedback from our employees on the survey results and recommendations for improvement within the Catapult. The deliverables, required by end of March 2017 will include: 1.Detailed qualitative feedback from employees regarding the results of the Best Companies survey. 2.Recommendation including practical solutions stemming from the outputs of the qualitative feedback fromCatapult employees designed toimprove employee satisfaction across all eight factors,the basis of of which will form part of an employee engagement strategy. 3.A detailed communication and implementation plan for solutions.
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