Employer Brand & Employee Value Proposition
Awarded using Ofwat's Consultancy Terms and Conditions. Requirement: Employer Brand & Employee Value Proposition We see this piece of work being delivered in two phases. Phase one is developing the Employee Value Proposition and a roadmap as to how we, in partnership with you, bring it to life and implement it. Phase two is focussed on creating the content which will enable us to share our EVP externally and internally. You will also need to identify the audiences and channels to share that message. We will be appointing one Supplier to deliver both phases of work. Specification Phase One (maximum 6 weeks) •Engagement with a cross section of our people to understand Ofwat's culture, values, ways of working, what they value about working for Ofwat and why they stay at Ofwat. •Development of an Employer Brand and Employee Value Proposition to be discussed with Ofwat and agreed with Senior Leadership team. •Creation of a roadmap to bring the Employer Brand and Employee Value Proposition to life both externally and internally, including examples of content, channels and audiences. To include prioritisation and costings. The roadmap will be for the financial year 2023/34. •Creation of an evaluation framework to enable Ofwat to measure the success of the piece of work. Phase Two (maximum 6 weeks) •Implementing the roadmap including: ocreation of content for example, photography, videos, case studies, website content oidentification of channels matched to content oidentification of audiences matched to content and channels •For example a mix of evergreen and campaign-specific content, content that is applicable to specific roles (Economists / Engineers), completed content as well as templates that Ofwat can tailor to our team's needs. And any specific training for hiring managers in inclusive recruitment.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors