Employer Engagement
The purpose of this contract is to provide employer engagement and support for all Taith i Waith clients on Anglesey through the following:Theses processes will form part of a fixed term module where service users can demonstrate and document continuous improvement, progress and activity: 2.1 Employer engagement will include contacting employers within the private and public sectors on Anglesey, and liaising with them to offer employment and work placements for participants of the Taith i Waith programme.2.2 Develop and implement an Employer Engagement Strategy, which will be included in the Taith i Waith business plan.2.3 Attend Taith i Waith Management and Development team meetings as required.2.4 The Contracted Officer will have access to support from the main contractor for Taith i Waith activities.2.5 Co-ordinating the work schedule for Taith i Waith mentors to support employee placements.2.6 Addressing and resolving any complaints or employer placement issues.2.7 Develop a set of core employers and investigate the development of core contracts, similar to the care farm concept.2.8 Assist the Authority to comply with its own equality and diversity policy.2.9 Encourage other employers to adopt or improve on existing equality and diversity strategies and monitoring systems, as detailed in the regional NWC business plan.2.10 Formulate employability modules, which would include Curriculum Vitae preparation. Formulate an employability checklist, which will asses the employability of the Taith i Waith Service Users.2.11 Following from consultation with the Taith i Waith Management team, agree on the number of employability modules required.2.12 This contract shall run across all Taith i Waith participating groups.2.13 Provide a nominated officer to fulfil the contract function who will be located at Canolfan Byron, Mona Industrial Park, Mona, Gwalchmai, Anglesey. This Officer will be based in the TiW office. This accommodation provision, provided by the Authority, will be deemed as in kind payment and will not be recharged to the contractor.2.14 A requirement of the contract will be the need for the nominated officer to travel to employer locations. All travelling costs will be met by the contractor and there will be no upper limit placed on nominated officer travelling costs which are relevant to the contract .2.15 The Provider will ensure that no other contracts are entered into with other organisations which would undermine this agreement . Where possible other employment initiatives undertaken by the Provider will be integrated into the TiW program to add value and avoid duplication and double funding .
Published Date :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors