Employer Led Skills provider framework update - Training Providers
Cornwall Marine Network has secured project funding through the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) for a project named Employer Led Skills (ELS). The project will provide a strategic approach to addressing identified skills gaps across Cornwall & Isles of Scilly through delivery of business-led programmes designed to upskill the workforce. Please note: all training delivery must take place in C&IoS. A training framework has been created that includes a core number of freelance tutors, training providers and consultancy services, making readily accessible a wealth of training and development opportunities for SME businesses across C&IoS. At regular intervals the framework is being reviewed and additional providers invited to submit proposals for inclusion. Training opportunities must be geographically spread across the County in order to be able to service the needs of employers in North, Mid and West Cornwall, and the Isles of Scilly. Employers will be able to pick from a predetermined offer hosted by the individuals and organisations on the Framework. Further to this, those named on the Framework should be able to design and deliver bespoke training as required by employers and agreed by CMN as part of the ELS project. Training will be delivered across sectors and as such the framework will include an offer that covers a wide scope of provision. At the point of this framework review it has been identified that the following areas of training are not adequately covered and so training providers in the areas outlined below are invited to submit a proposal for inclusion: •International Trade - covering aspects such as: Inco terms for different sectors, accessing new markets, customs procedures and documentation •Greenbelt Six Sigma •Continuous Improvement (management) - focusing on the manufacturing sector at senior management level to ensure full understanding of how to best use teams and influence their level of understanding when adopting CI practices. •Continuous Improvement (employees) - focusing on enabling employees to understand the basics of CI •Event Supervision & Security •Underwater Welding •Personal & Professional development - focusing on self-reflection and career development planning In order to apply for inclusion on the Framework, individuals and organisations must submit a proposal using the provided template.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
80000000 - Education and training services
Status :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors