Energy National Policy Statement (NPS) - Welsh translations of consultation and associated documents
The Government announced a review of the Energy National Policy Statements (eNPS) in the Energy White Paper on 14 December 2020 It was considered appropriate to review the NPS to ensure they reflect the priorities set out in the White Paper and that we continue to have a planning policy framework which can support the infrastructure required for the transition to net zero., The review is under way, with the aim of designating any amendments to the eNPS by the end of 2021. The current suite of eNPS remain relevant during the review and provide a proper basis for decision-making, therefore will not be suspended during the review. As part of the review process, we are also preparing environmental assessments - an Appraisal of Sustainability (AoS) and Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA). , The eNPS review process requires that we consult on the draft National Policy Statements and AoS and HRA. We are aiming to launch the public consultation in June 2021. We intend to issue Welsh language versions of the key consultation documents as part of this process. We will publish the full suite of the eNPS and supporting environmental assessment documents in Welsh on conclusion of the review., The eNPS set out the Government's policy for the delivery of energy infrastructure and provide the legal framework for planning decisions under the Planning Act 2008. The current suite of NPSs (EN-1 - EN-6) were last published or 'designated' in 2011, NPS set out government policy in relation to each type of infrastructure that is designated as being nationally significant. The main purpose of an NPS is to set out the need for the infrastructure and the impacts any proposed development must address. Having the need for the infrastructure decided in advance speeds up the subsequent consideration of a particular project during its examination. Decisions on Development Consent Order applications must be made in accordance with a relevant NPS, where one has been designated, unless certain statutory exemptions apply. , The following draft documents will need to be translated from English into Welsh:, Energy NPS review - Consultation document - 7,600 words, EN-1 - Overarching National Policy Statement - 46,500 words, EN-2 - Natural Gas Electricity Generating Infrastructure - 6,000 words, EN-3 - Renewable Electricity Generation - 34,507 words, EN-4 - Gas and Oil Infrastructure - 11,137 words, EN-5 - Electricity Networks - 10,491 words, Appraisal of Sustainability (AoS) - 60,000 words, Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) - 60,000 words, The contractor will be expected to have experience of translating technical documents from English to Welsh. Whilst it would be helpful, the contractor is not expected to have an extensive background in the energy industry., The contractor will be expected to have experience of translating technical documents from English to Welsh. Whilst it would be helpful, the contractor is not expected to have an extensive background in the energy industry., Translations from English to Welsh of all documents listed above in the section on Scope to be completed by 24th August 2021 or earlier. Completion of translation of the documents should be prioritised as follows:, 30th July, 1. Energy NPS review - Consultation document, 2. EN-1 - Overarching National Policy Statement, 6th August, 3. EN-2 - Natural Gas Electricity Generating Infrastructure, 4. EN-3 - Renewable Electricity Generation, 13th August, 5. EN-4 - Gas and Oil Infrastructure, 6. EN-5 - Electricity Networks, 24th August, 7. Appraisal of Sustainability (AoS), 8. Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA)
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