Enfield CCG Mental Health Complex Care Inpatient Rehabilitation Services VEAT
Text to be corrected in the original notice: Place of text to be modified: II.2.4 Instead of: no description Read: Enfield CCG (and on behalf of Haringey CCG ) will undertake a contract variation with Barnet Enfield and Haringey Mental Health Trust, and incorporate the development of a 14 bedded local inpatient Rehabilitation Service. (local secure inpatient rehabilitation service for people with complex and enduring mental health issues) in the borough of Enfield. This will be within the existing block contract arrangement Enfield CCG already has with BEH-MHT. The new 14 bedded inpatient rehabilitation Service will be jointly funded by Enfield and Haringey CCGS. (Enfield will be purchasing 10 beds and Haringey 2 beds). BEH-MHT already provide the care coordination, care planning, risk management and community treatment for people with complex mental health needs, and this would mean that BEH-MHT would be commissioned to provide a complete end to end pathway for this patient cohort. Provision of Complex Care Inpatient Rehabilitation for people with Mental Health needs for Enfield CCG and Haringey CCG Currently this is provided on a spot purchase arrangements across the country in various private and NHS provisions. The proposal is to provide this service within the borough of Enfield. This meets the requirements of the NHS five year Forward plan for Mental Health with Services provided closer to home. We are proposing to merge this contract into the current larger Mental Health Contract to meet this requirement.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85100000 - Health services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors