Engineering services to finalise the design, fabricate, assemble and commission a prototype Dryer/Kiln Batch Pyrolysis Unit and produce biochar
CapChar is looking to procure a prototype batch pyrolysis unit that is capable of drying and pyrolysing wet wood chip (up to 50% moisture) in a single vessel to produce approximately 100kg of biochar in a single cycle in less than 24 hours. It needs to be semi-automated with a PLC and control the temperature profile when it goes from drying to pyrolysis. The technology must be designed and built to operate safely at operating temperatures of up to 500oC. The feedstock needs to be wood chip and be < 30mm in particle size with minimal dust, so chippings/screening equipment may be necessary. The design must be finalised, fabricated, assembled, commissioned and have completed at least 10 x drying/pyrolysis cycles before the end of July 31st, producing a minimum of 1 tonne of biochar. Once assembled it must be delivered to a suitable site that has access to wood chip for the duration of the project. CapChar will require at least one site visit during the project to view the pyrolysis part of a cycle.
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1 Possible Competitors