English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Screening and Assessment Tool Market Engagement
The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) has a legal requirement to secure the provision of education and training for prisoners and recognises that Education, Skills, and Work (ESW) play a significant role in reducing reoffending. A 2017 MoJ report shows that prisoners who participated in any form of learning activity were 9 percentage points less likely to reoffend compared to non-learners and 1.8 percentage points more likely to be in employment after release. MoJ is committed to delivering a transformed 'Prisoner Education Service' (PES) focused on work-based training and skills'. The Prisoner Education Service (PES) is developing an innovative, integrated digital ecosystem that brings together a holistic prisoner view that informs planning, delivery and accountability. Effective Screening and Assessment (S&A) is at the core of this, ensuring that prisoner's learner needs are identified when engaging with education, and inform their learner journey throughout their time in custody. This system should enable HMPPS to drive up standards and outcomes across the estate, both in custody and in the community. To realise this vision, we are procuring digital S&A tools for the PES contracts. This PIN is for an English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) screening tool only. We are expecting to procure one tool; the tool can be part, fully or not yet developed. The expected contract length is up to 7 years. The ESOL tool must accurately identify any gaps in a prisoner's ability to read, write, speak and understand English, written and spoken language, in line with National Standards. The tool must also indicate the level of support required to enable progression. ESOL assessments can include digital elements but should include interaction with and reading assessment outcomes determined by screening and assessment delivery staff. The Tool must be compliant with Government Digital Standard (GDS) in the design, testing and deployment in a timeframe agreed with the Authority, supported by an Implementation Plan and must be capable of integrating with other services and sharing data using open standards. The vision for the ESOL tool contract is to: - Implement a high-quality, accessible tool that accurately identifies prisoners ESOL ability levels. - Enable collaboration with the Authority and PES providers to ensure continuous improvement so that the tool enables quality ESOL S&A delivery. - Enable data reporting integration of the ESOL tool into the Authority systems. - Provide for the first time national consistent ESOL screening across the PES prison estate to reduce duplication and improve data flow across the estate. - Deliver the ambition for digital by default screening with contingencies to allow continued S&A delivery when access to digital tool/s is impacted. - Ensure high quality ESOL S&A tool provider led training and ongoing support to PES Core-Education staff on the use of provider screening tools. - Drive quality via output measured KPIs
Published Date :
Deadline :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
72267000 - Software maintenance and repair services
72253000 - Help-desk and support services
80533000 - Computer-user familiarisation and training services
72261000 - Software support services
72212311 - Document management software development services
75231230 - Prison services
72212210 - Networking software development services
75231200 - Services related to the detention or rehabilitation of criminals
72212190 - Educational software development services
72250000 - System and support services
80000000 - Education and training services
72260000 - Software-related services
72310000 - Data-processing services
72212517 - IT software development services
80400000 - Adult and other education services
80533100 - Computer training services
48190000 - Educational software package
Status :
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Tender Progress :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors