Enhanced Primary Care Services (EPCS) Bundle for Nottingham & Nottinghamshire
NHS Nottingham & Nottinghamshire CG is seeking suitably qualified and experienced providers capable of delivering Enhanced Primary Care Services. The aim of this service is to provide primary community based services to the registered population of those practices who are not participating in NHS Nottingham & Nottinghamshire CCG's Enhanced Services Delivery Scheme (ESDS) and therefore by default are not commissioned to deliver these services to their registered patient population. The services to be provided are: •Ear Irrigation - to ambulant patients aged 12+years •Treatment Room & Management of Minor Injuries Service - to provide a wound care and minor injuries service for patients requiring intervention and management of minor lacerations, partial thickness thermal burns and scalds, minor trauma to hand, limbs or feet and postoperative care for patients able to attend a clinic and a dressings service. Following assessment and simple actions patients could often manage minor injuries themselves such as sprains, strains, minor head injuries and minor musculoskeletal injuries, small cuts/grazes, minor burns and scalds, insect and animal bites •ECG Monitoring - routine screening of ambulant patients aged 18+years •H Pylori - for patients who are under Patient Specific Directive (PSD) requiring this test •Phlebotomy (12+years) - clinic based and domiciliary service encompassing all blood sampling for investigations, monitoring and follow-up •Spirometry - to provide access to a primary care based timely spirometry service for the accurate diagnosis of COPD.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85100000 - Health services
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors