Enhanced Urgent Care Centre
Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals NHS Trust (BHRUT), as the Contracting Authority,expects to put in place a contract to operate a proposed Enhanced Urgent Care Centre (EUCC). It is anticipatedthat the EUCC will provide a single, innovative service that will receive, assess, diagnose and treat patientsthat do not require admission to hospital. The expectation is that the EUCC service will support the BHRUT objectives to ensure efficient patient flow by providing a robust streaming system, which will allow for immediateprioritisation of patients based on their clinical need. It is anticipated that the proposed Contract would be awarded for an initial term of two (2) years, with an option to extend for up to a further two (2) years (two 12 month periods). Any extension will be exercised at thediscretion of the Authority.We anticipate the EUCC to: 1. Deliver a new model of care to support local need and national requirements with robust service specification and payment system which meet the NHS five year plan, BHRUT strategy, local priorities and financial envelope 2. Support the BHRUT objectives to ensure efficient patient flow through the EUCC, making the best use of available resources and ensuring seamless co-ordination of care for patients on the non-admitted pathway. It is anticipated that the provider will supply GPs to undertake the role of streaming and redirection where appropriate over a 24 hour period at the access point of EUCC. They will also be expected to provide GPs or other adequately trained staff for a number of hours specified by the Trust to see those patients presenting with minor illness. It is anticipated that the provider will support and develop the existing training scheme for the trainee ACPs.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors