ENQ517 - Improving outcomes in Key Stages 1 and 2 Mathematics
Quotations are invited for the provision of Improving outcomes in Key Stages 1 and 2 Mathematics. Opportunity Areas are a government policy designed to improve social mobility. They were announced by the Secretary of State for Education in October 2016 with the initial six areas being identified as some of the most challenged when it comes to social mobility; a further six areas were announced in January 2017. The twelve areas have access to funding to address the biggest challenges they face. In Derby a local partnership board has been formed of partners including a nursery, schools, city council, DfE, Derby College, the University of Derby, business, voluntary sector, the Careers Enterprise Company and the Confederation of British Industry. The Opportunity Area Board operates as an advisory board to the DfE and is chaired by the Vice Chancellor of the University of Derby. The Opportunity Area Board has identified three main priorities, namely: •Priority 1: Increase the number of children achieving a good level of development in the early years. •Priority 2: Raise attainment in our primary and secondary schools. •Priority 3: Ensure that all our children benefit from a broad range of experiences throughout their school lives. Allied to this, are two further additional themes of mental health and also transition and pathways. In order to help address Priority 2, Derby's Opportunity Area Board is keen to seek quotations for the provision of support in Improving outcomes in Key Stages 1 and 2 Mathematics. The deadline for returns is 10am 11 June 2019. It is recommended that you express interest and obtain the documentation well before this time to allow sufficient time to prepare and submit a comprehensive response.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
80000000 - Education and training services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors