Enterprise Hub Community Delivery Partner Procurement
We are seeking Community Delivery Partner bodies to join the Enterprise Hub. Community Partners are invited from organisations that can provide client delivery support at a community based level and provide a minimum of 60% match, and up to 100% contribution to support service implementation. The total eligible budget available is up to £1.5 million. The programme is supported by European Regional Development Fund. Enterprise Hub expect to offer Partnership arrangements to between 2 and 10 organisations as a result of this invitation process and partnerships or consortia are also eligible to apply. Support activities will be required from Aug 2017 - 30th November 2018 (with a possible extension to March 2019 if the EU Programme is extended at a later date). Applications are sought from organisations with both a geographical reach and the following capacity and capability to support more Liverpool City Region residents to become economically included and establish enterprises by offering one or more of the specified elements. Enterprise Hub is a comprehensive community engagement, enterprise promotion and business support programme, which fosters the creation of new enterprises from pre-start to early stage businesses and social enterprises. It achieves this through delivering an innovative package of services which helps prepare individuals considering creating an enterprise or a social enterprise. Enterprise Hub deploys a number of measures and community development approaches including community outreach, awareness raising, advice, workshops, mentoring and network development to provide a holistic model of support. In addition, it is now seeking to expand its Community Partner collaborative to ensure that it is meeting client need and achieves additional community and neighbourhood reach and added value. Enterprise Hub provides support to a diverse target group of potential-entrepreneurs living in LCR including men, women, employed and unemployed residents, BME and disabled residents and graduates mapped against the LCR Combined Authority footprint and based on specific local authority geography. Enterprise Hub is led by the City of Liverpool College (CoLC) who are acting as accountable body and The Women's Organisation who are acting as managing partner.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors