07-ENV-MISC-01 - Removal of Asbestos Contaminated Soils from sites in County Clare
Ten sites in the Kilrush and Kilkee area were identified by Clare County Council of suspected unlicensed deposition and storage of asbestos containing materials (ACMs) and asbestos cement pipes. It is understood that the ACMs and asbestos cement pipes originated from Clare County Council water services mains replacement and mains repair works over an undetermined number of years up to June 2013. The ACMs were primarily deposited on the surface at the sites, although at a number of the sites, partially buried pieces were identified.Clare County Council planned three phases of work to manage the ACMs on each of the sites: •Phase 1: Removal of pieces of visible, broken ACMs on the surface from nine of the sites. Mitigation measures were also put in place at each of the sites including covering some of the sites with geotextile, fencing them off and providing warning signage. Phase 1 was completed in 2014.•Phase 2: involved the design, procurement and managing of a soil sampling contract at each of the sites. Samples of soil were taken and, where feasible, ACMs encountered were collected and removed for proper disposal. Phase 2 was carried out in June and July 2015 for Sites 1 to 9 and in January 2017 for Site 10. Phase 2 was completed in 2020.Phase 3 involving the complete remediation of the sites is currently at detailed design stage and it is envisaged that works will be completed in Q3/Q4 2023.This is a Prior Information Notice and not a call for competition – a call for competition may be placed within the next 4 months. This notice serves as advanced notice of the contracting authority’s intention to hold a site visit during the tender response period and aims to ensure the time limit for receipt of tenders is 21 calendar days as per National Procurement rules.Clare County Council intends to invite submissions from companies/organisations with capabilities relating to construction works including; bulk excavation, screening and transport of Asbestos Contam
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45000000 - Construction work
Tender Lot Details
1 Tender Lot
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors