EOI Children & Young People(age11-17)Counselling Sessions for Disordered Eating
Expression of interest for Children and Young People (age 11-17) Counselling Sessions for Disordered Eating and Parent and Career Peer Support Group Offer. To provide a safe, supportive, and comfortable therapeutic support offer for CYP aged 11-17 (and 364 days) registered who live in Norfolk & Waveney, who are affected by disordered eating as their primary presentation. Parent-Carer Peer Support Group service aims, and objectives are to run a parent/carer peer support group open to the whole family and any care givers of any CYP with a diagnosable eating disorder or disordered eating. In exceptional circumstances, the service will see CYP aged 11-17 (and 364 days) with a diagnosable eating disorder to support them with counselling if they are declining other treatment (see inclusion and exclusion criteria for more details.). The service is a Schedule 3 Service and is being procured under the Light Touch Regime (LTR)of the Public Contract Regulations 2015. This notice is a Prior Information Notice under the permitted procedure for social and other specific services, as provided for in the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 - Regulation 48. In accordance with Regulation 32(b)(ii) of the Regulations, interested parties should note that the contract for the services may be awarded without further publication and interested parties should express their interest in writing by following the instructions in this document and responding to all questions accordingly. Providers will be required to respond to a series of questions which are scored on a "Pass/Fail "basis. The scoring criteria is stipulated within the question. Only providers who score a "Pass" on all "Pass/Fail" questions will be deemed compliant and capable. Where a single Provider has expressed an interest and met the requirements, the Commissioner reserves the right to direct award to that provider with no further competition. Where there is more than one Provider who has expressed an interest and scored a "Pass" on all "Pass/Fail" questions, then the Commissioner may seek to undertake a formal competitive process.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85100000 - Health services
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
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Low Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
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Designation :
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Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors