Equality Diversity & Inclusion Support for SEMLEP COVID-19 Recovery Strategy
1.About us 1.1.The South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership (SEMLEP) has a central role in determining local economic priorities and securing investment to support business innovation and growth. To do this we link together the public and private sectors with academia to coordinate housing, transport, commercial development, energy infrastructure and raise workforce skills, in line with employers' needs, for the benefit of the wider economic area. We prioritise driving up productivity, creating jobs and promoting long-term, sustainable growth. 1.2.SEMLEP has three main roles in delivering strategic economic growth. 1.2.1.Setting the strategic direction for the area's future economic opportunities, challenges and priorities. 1.2.2.Direct intervention to increase growth. We are responsible for securing and overseeing the spend of two main sources of growth funding as well as coordinating business support through our Growth Hub 1.2.3.Facilitating growth by convening partners to assist cross-boundary collaboration on short and long-term economic issues. 2.Background 2.1.Our aim is deliver our Local Industrial Strategy and do as much as we can to support businesses and community through COVID-19 and beyond and ensure we have a robust and resilient business community where possible. 2.2.We are developing a COVID-19 Recovery Strategy with the aim of presenting an initial approach and actions to the Board in July 2020. This will be an iterative p... Average. Brief covered adequately, haven't provided 2 referees or have not provide a good structure proposal. Bidder meets or does not meet requirements of brief. 15% Quality of delivery: Provide details about the quality of delivery indicating key members of the team that will be working on the project and relevant experience Exceptional, covered thoroughly, have provided a satisfactory information of the key members that will be involved on the project delivery and their relevant experience compared to the requirements of the brief. Has provided very good response, covered the structure of proposal and 8-10Average. Has provided adequate / fair information regarding the key members that will be involved on the project delivery and their relevant experience compared to the requirements of the brief 4 -7Poor, have not provided satisfactory information 0-330% Social Value: The proposal needs to show the social value of the contract and how your business contributes to the society and community in which you operate.Exceptional, covered thoroughly, providing apprenticeship and placements, helping local charities and other community work. Score 8-10Average. Brief covered adequately, Do community and charity work but do not provide apprenticeship/ placements or vice versa. Score 4-7Does not meet requirements of brief. Score 0-35% Total100%
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
79311410 - Economic impact assessment
79311400 - Economic research services
98200000 - Equal opportunities consultancy services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors