Equality Impact Assessment Training and Consultancy
BackgroundSWFRS developed its Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) process in consultation with the community and staff in 2005. All SWFRS policies, processes, job descriptions, projects and contracts receive an EIA.All existing policies have received EIAs. The direction for the future is to develop and fine tune the existing on line and paper system with the Diversity Unit; provide specific training to engender equality awareness, using FRS specific examples; how to use and apply the reviewed EIA system and develop an organisation with an EIA mindset that can be applied to any task or decision.It is important to have a working knowledge of our South Wales area and facilitate links and sign post to local communities and groups on order to carry out external as well as internal consultation for the purposes of carrying out an EIA.Statement of RequirementSouth Wales Fire and Rescue Service want to develop an equality impact assessment mindset in our organisation in order to mainstream equality and diversity. To this end we require a review, update and simplification of our forms and processes and then importantly, training on what an equality impact assessment intends to achieve and how to go about undertaking an effective, valuable and inclusive assessment.Details of RequirementPart One - A review of existing forms and processes (approximately 5 days)Part Two - Staff training and development accommodating 10-15 staff per session (approximately 8 days over 2 years). We are keen for this to involve community members, and or exposure to a diverse range of people.Training past April 2011 will be subject to funding, but it is possible the project will be rolled out across Wales with support from the Welsh Assembly Government and thus training for all 3 Fire and Rescue Service in Wales will be required. This can be negotiated.Attendees will be those who require refresher training as well as those new to the process.
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CPV Codes
98200000 - Equal opportunities consultancy services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors