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Equine Infectious Diseases Surveillance Service - Opportunity
The Horserace Betting Levy Board (HBLB) is seeking expressions of interest from potential Service Providers who may be interested in tendering for the provision of the EIDS service. The primary purpose of the Service is to provide, on a continuous basis, the thorough monitoring and investigation of equine infectious diseases in the Great Britain, monitoring globally, and the provision of expert advice on the prevention and control of such diseases. The performance of the Service and the hosting of the EIDS Team will include delivery of the following activities; i. The surveillance of equine infectious diseases both within Great Britain and internationally; ii. Liaison with the provider of the equine diagnostic microbiology (EDM) services; iii. To ensure, as far as is practicable, the provision by the EDM service provider of data and infectious agents / reagents for various research and other projects as requested by HBLB; iv. The provision of advice to the Equine Industry (Thoroughbred and non-Thoroughbred) on the prevention, management and control of equine infectious diseases, including development and maintenance of an engagement with the non-Thoroughbred sector and their veterinary advisors; v. Participation in relevant GB and worldwide activities that aim to protect the Equine Industry from infectious diseases, including liaison with the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and associated UK Government agencies; vi. Dissemination of relevant and user-friendly information to the Equine Industry on equine infectious diseases; vii. Publication of the scientific results of the activity of the EIDS Team in relevant scientific literature; viii. Development and maintenance, with the support and assistance of the Equine Industry as appropriate, of a written plan for managing and responding to major outbreaks and epidemics of equine infectious disease. Where such response is likely to involve significant additional cost, this should be agreed in advance with HBLB. If you are interested in tendering for this service, please register an interest by emailing This tender is being managed by eXceeding Limited on behalf of HBLB
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
73110000 - Research services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors