ES1047 - Nurturing Nature - Creating a New Generation of Biological Recorders
A number of key wildlife and landscape management projects have been incorporated into the 'Natural Landscapes' element of this Scheme. Nurturing Nature forms one project of an ambitious Natural Landscapes programme within the Scheme. This project will run from 2022 to March 2024, with potential for a limited short-term extension. Across the project a number of desired outputs and outcomes have been identified including: Outputs: •4,500 species records collected and submitted to records centres; •100 sites surveyed for species and to record habitat condition; •2,600 people engage with news, information via social media and the web; •110 people trained in species identification skills; •27 community recruitment and awareness raising events; •5000 people attend events or engage on-line about nature as part of the project; •60% of participants in training and at events will have learnt something new about the natural heritage of the Chase & Chalke LPS area; •A minimum of 1,900 individual volunteer recording days; •30% more people in local communities can name special species or habitats that that are found in this landscape; •At least 50 people will become regular active biological recorders active in the area supporting landowners and designated sites not being monitored; •25 species aided; •145ha better managed as a result of biological data collected and shared, and based on the current management agreements and plans (if any). Outcomes: •Quality and biodiversity value improved of key habitats
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
90700000 - Environmental services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors