ESCC - ME Technology Enabled Care Services - AWARD
The Council is looking for a Strategic Partner to work with the Council, its commissioning partners and other providers of relevant or related services in sharing responsibility for the development and design of a Technology Enabled Care (TEC) Service and outcomes which may change due to demographic, economic or technological pressures. Technology Enabled Care (TEC), also known as telecare, refers to a range of services that use alarms and sensors that are monitored 24/7 by a dedicated alarm receiving centre. The service enables users to access support when they need it and provides reassurance not just to clients but also to their carers, family and friends. The Council wishes to collaborate with the Strategic Partner to achieve long-term benefits and innovation based on mutually desired outcomes, where resources are shared in a way that promotes positive outcomes for all and maximises external funding. Planned developments include: Introducing an urgent, short-term provision that is not constrained by the current Care Act eligibility criteria to support admission avoidance and hospital discharge. This would initially only be available to adult social care clients upon discharge but with the potential to extend the offer should funding be identified from Health services. Moving away from current investment in a single brand of equipment and moving to a supplier agnostic model, utilising alternative equipment provision that best supports the client and ensures best value for the Council. Increased emphasis on using the intelligence gained from TEC service provision to inform decisions relating to clients care needs.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors