Establishing baseline data and evaluating our approach to supporting Creative Professionals in Wales
The Arts Council of Wales wishes to commission an evaluation of our work in supporting Creative Professionals to develop and sustain a career from Wales combined with a scoping study of the current artistic base in Wales with some assessment of the economic situation of creative artists and cultural entrepreneurs.By creative professionals we mean individuals working at a professional level in the arts in Wales. It includes artists across all artforms, curators, creative producers and cultural entrepreneurs. It will embrace sole practitioners, and those with creative, artistic and cultural content roles within companies and organisations.We are therefore seeking expressions of interest – in the form of a tender – from appropriately qualified research consultants (or companies) who feel able to undertake such work in partnership with us.The evaluation should enable us to gain a snapshot picture of life as a creative professional in Wales in 2015 and the artistic and economic infrastructure that supports this. Allied to this the successful consultant(s) should define and develop mechanisms from which we can monitor and measure our work with creative professionals across the next 5 years and beyond.Mae Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru yn dymuno comisiynu gwerthusiad o’n gwaith o gynorthwyo Gweithwyr Creadigol Proffesiynol i ddatblygu a chynnal gyrfa o Gymru ynghyd ag astudiaeth gwmpasu o’r sylfaen artistig bresennol yng Nghymru gyda rhywfaint o asesiad o sefyllfa economaidd artistiaid creadigol ac entrepreneuriaid diwylliannol.Wrth weithwyr creadigol proffesiynol, rydym yn golygu unigolion sy’n gweithio ar lefel broffesiynol yn y celfyddydau yng Nghymru. Mae’n cynnwys artistiaid ym mhob ffurf ar gelfyddyd, curaduron, cynhyrchwyr creadigol ac entrepreneuriaid diwylliannol. Bydd yn cynnwys ymarferwyr unigol, a rhai sydd â rolau cynnwys creadigol, artistig a diwylliannol mewn cwmnïau a sefydliadau.Rydym felly yn gofyn am ddatganiadau o ddiddordeb – ar ffurf tendr – gan ymgynghorwyr ymchwil (neu gwmnïau) sydd â’r cymwysterau priodol sy’n teimlo y gallant ymgymryd â gwaith o’r fath mewn partneriaeth â ni.Dylai’r gwerthusiad ein galluogi i gael ciplun o fywyd fel gweithiwr creadigol proffesiynol yng Nghymru yn 2015 a’r seilwaith artistig ac economaidd sy’n cynorthwyo hyn. Yn cyd-fynd â hyn, dylai’r ymgynghorydd/ymgynghorwyr llwyddiannus ddiffinio a datblygu systemau i fonitro a mesur ein gwaith gyda gweithwyr creadigol proffesiynol dros y 5 mlynedd nesaf a thu hwnt.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors