The CAFRE Soil Carbon Coring Project has been developed by technologists at CAFRE to obtain a field level baseline of soil carbon stocks, soil nutrient and carbon properties at the five CAFRE estate farms in Northern Ireland. The project will provide CAFRE with a dataset that can be used for the delivery of innovation projects and industry demonstration on the management of soil carbon stocks and soil sequestration rates across a wide array of soil types, land uses and management practices. The project objectives are to - provide a detailed accurate measurement, analysis and establishment of a dataset of soil carbon stocks on active agricultural soils and on non-active agricultural/farmland soils at an individual field and subsequent whole farm level at each CAFRE farm centres - sample, analyse and report on broad soil nutrient and carbon properties at 0 – 7.5 cm depth on grassland areas and 0 – 15 cm on arable areas at an individual field and subsequent whole farm level at each CAFRE farm centre.. CAFRE wishes to establish a contract for a Supplier to provide a stratification and sampling plan, in-field sampling, lab analysis and reporting of soil carbon stocks. In addition, the supplier will provide the provision of sampling for broad soil nutrient analysis, and soil carbon properties from across the CAFRE estate farms, which are to be analysed by NRM Cawood Laboratories. For further information please see the Specification document.
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