
ESU Human Rights Awareness


Following from a successful Pilot programme delivered to a number of staff within the Department for the Economy and Transport at various offices around Wales, a requirement has been identified to further raise the awareness and understanding of the principles of the Human Rights Act, how the articles can relate to the specific work of staff within the department, and develop practical knowledge of taking a Human Rights Based Approach to the work we do. A further roll out of the awareness training sessions is planned to target a wide range of staff who have dealings with the public and who should consider the principles mentioned. This provision of training is demand driven and therefore, the number of sessions to be delivered will be based on this, however, it is likely to be approximately 10/15 sessions before March 2011, with the view to reviewing the demand annually with the possibility of continuation into 2011/2012 and further. The contract will include: developing these sessions working with L&D staff within the Equality Support Unit; developing these sessions bilingually where possible; and delivering these sessions to staff at various locations around Wales. It will also require a full evaluation of the sessions with the production of a report to identify further requirements.The awarding Authority reserves the right to request parent company and/or other guarantees of performance and financial liabilityPayment terms will be indicated in the contract documents. Tenders to be priced in Sterling. Payment made in Sterling only.No special legal form required but joint and several liability assumed by all group bidders before acceptance.The Authority reserves the right to consider variant bidsThe Authority reserves the right to split the requirement into lotsThe Contract will have an option to extend the duration up to a period of a further 12 months.Companies expressing an interest must complete and return the attached prequalification questionnaire and return it completed with any associated documents to the above address by12/9/07/2010 All correspondence must quote Contract Number C-46-20010/11For Consortium bids the information must be provided for each member of the consortium. These details can be provided in hard copy or electronically.You may find it helpful to contact your regional business advisory network to seek general advice and guidance if you are considering tendering for this and future public sector contracts. Potential bidders based in Wales can access services at


Published Date :

29th Jun 2010 14 years ago

Deadline :


Contract Start :


Contract End :


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Status :


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Notice Type :

Open opportunity

Tender Identifier :

IT-378-246-T: 2024 - 001

TenderBase ID :


Low Value :


High Value :


Region :

North Region

Attachments :

Buyer Information

Address :

Liverpool Merseyside , Merseyside , L13 0BQ

Website :


Procurement Contact

Name :

Tina Smith

Designation :

Chief Executive Officer

Phone :

0151 252 3243

Email :

Possible Competitors

1 Possible Competitors