
European Social Fund Convergence Priority 1 Evaluation


WEFO Evaluation of ESF Convergence Priority 1Background to the ESF Convergence Priority 1 EvaluationWEFO has decided to commission an extensive evaluation of the operation and ongoing delivery of ESF Convergence Priority 1 in the middle of the programming period.The aim of Priority 1 of the ESF Convergence Programme is to prepare young people for future employment by raising aspirations and increasing participation in learning. There are two Themes in this Priority. Theme 1, Tackling Under Achievement aims to improve the educational outcomes of young people at risk of underachieving. Theme 2, Raising Skills and Aspirations aims to support young people to make a successful transition into employment.This contract will involve engagement with participants from projects funded under ESF Convergence Priority 1 aged under 18, using methods appropriate for this age group. Priority 1 covers young people aged between 11-19, although there is a particular emphasis on disadvantaged young people aged 14-19 years.AimThe evaluation aim is to examine the implementation, ongoing delivery, and strategic fit of ESF Convergence Priority 1. This evaluation will inform any potential changes in this Priority in the second half of the Programming period. In addition, the study will make recommendations in relation to this Priority for future Programmes post-2013.MethodologyWe envisage that this evaluation will involve organisational interviews with internal WEFO staff, and wider Welsh Assembly Government stakeholders in this Priority.The Client requires evaluation approaches which incorporate engagement with project participants aged 11-19. To provide a fuller picture of participant transitions and outcomes, the research will also involve fieldwork with project staff who routinely work with participants (such as teachers, learning coaches, and youth workers).It is anticipated that the successful contractor will secure their access for the participant strand of the fieldwork through ‘gatekeepers’ which include schools, Further Education colleges, and activities outside mainstream education.In addition, an analysis of monitoring data collected by WEFO would also be advantageous. These data will provide some useful information on the ongoing delivery of this Priority.The research design should incorporate a review of the findings from completed evaluations from projects approved under this Priority.The awarding Authority reserves the right to request parent company and/or other guarantees of performance and financial liabilityPayment terms will be indicated in the contract documents. Tenders to be priced in Sterling. Payment made in Sterling only. No special legal form required but joint and several liability assumed by all group bidders before acceptance.The Authority reserves the right to consider variant bidsThe Authority reserves the right to split the requirement into lots


Published Date :

1st Jul 2011 13 years ago

Deadline :


Contract Start :


Contract End :


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Status :


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Notice Type :

Open opportunity

Tender Identifier :

IT-378-246-T: 2024 - 001

TenderBase ID :


Low Value :


High Value :


Region :

North Region

Attachments :

Buyer Information

Address :

Liverpool Merseyside , Merseyside , L13 0BQ

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Procurement Contact

Name :

Tina Smith

Designation :

Chief Executive Officer

Phone :

0151 252 3243

Email :

Possible Competitors

1 Possible Competitors