European Social Survey (ESS) Round 10 Fieldwork in Slovakia
ESS Round 10 fieldwork in Slovakia in accordance with the Specifications for Round 10 issued by the ESS ERIC Director. The key tasks of the Survey Agency are preparing, conducting and monitoring of fieldwork, processing data and preparing deliverables. These tasks include, but are not limited to the following:- Completing approximately 2,000 hour-long CAPI interviews, using a random sample of dwellings provided by the National Coordinator Team (NCT).- Visiting and coding final outcomes for a list of 3,801 issued sample units (dwellings) based on the agreed sample design (see Sample Design Summary available as part of tender documentation).- Adhering to the rules regarding the form and number of contact attempts as stated in the "Round 10 Survey Specification for ESS ERIC Member, Observer and Guest Countries".- Implementing a response maximization plan to deliver the highest possible response rate (target response rate 55%).- Adhering to the national COVID-19 pandemic regulations and guidelines (attached as part of tender documentation).- Adhering to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and national laws. A Data Processing Agreement will be agreed between ESS ERIC (Controller) and the appointed Agency (Processor)- Discussing the fieldwork procedures, progress and outcomes with the NCT (National Coordinating Team) in every phase.- Monitoring fieldwork progress closely to allow the NCT to provide at least weekly information to the CST (Core Scientific Team) on fieldwork progress.- Organising face-to-face (or online using video-conferencing as a back-up option due to COVID-19) interviewer briefings jointly with the NCT.- Completing an electronic contact form for every visit to sample units. This will include random selection of one eligible adult for interview from each issued dwelling.-Conducting face-to-face interviews with CAPI (via Central Survey Tool Suite) in the Slovak and Hungarian language.- Continually reporting on the fieldwork progress on a case-level basis. Input into interim data checks after a third of fieldwork is complete according to the specification provided by the CST and follow-up on any issues identified by these checks.- Providing data for other required documents, e.g. fieldwork questionnaire, national technical summary, etc.- Post-coding the open questions on education and occupation.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
79311000 - Survey services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors