European Union Vocational Education & Training Programme (EUVET) - National Coordination Point
Various tools are in place to encourage cooperation in vocational education and training (VET) across Europe. The tools are the European Qualifications Framework (EQF), European Credit System for VET (ECVET) and European Quality Assurance in VET (EQAVET).The aim of the VET tools is to enable the comparison of qualifications across different European countries and facilitate trans-national mobility and lifelong learning. For Welsh citizens and learners, the tools:•Promote greater transparency and recognition of learning•Enable achievements to become visible and understandable•Provide greater information about jobs and the knowledge and skills to do them•Provide assurance that VET programmes have significant vigour and are quality assured.The Credit and Qualifications Framework for Wales (CQFW) is a functional framework which describes the credit and qualifications system in Wales. It includes three pillars of learning: Higher Education, regulated qualifications (which includes vocational and general qualifications) and Quality Assured Lifelong Learning (QALL). The CQFW was referenced to the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) in 2010, alongside the other UK national qualification frameworks. To maintain its currency the CQFW is due to be re-referenced to the EQF in 2017/18.Following the EU Referendum in June 2016 and the decision to exit Europe, Ministers in Wales have agreed to continue alignment between the CQFW and EQF in the short term. The European Commission has also made it clear that, until the Article 50 process is completed, it will continue to invite and value UK representation at the EQF Advisory Group. The EQF Advisory Group is an informal expert group established by the European Commission to provide overall coherence and promote transparency of the process of relating qualifications systems to the EQF. It also provides a platform for the exchange of information and networking between countries.An independent review of the CQFW commissioned by the Welsh Government in 2014, demonstrated clear support from stakeholders for continued alignment and recommended exploration of the potential benefits and challenges of closer alignment of the CQFW and EQF. The review stated that the “CQFW delivers benefits through promoting sufficient commonality through compatibility with other UK and European Frameworks, thereby enhancing mobility of learners, clarity of information, progression opportunities and quality assurance.” The review also stated that this “was supported by views from international stakeholders that Wales should become a stronger part of the EQF Advisory Group to enhance the value of the CQFW”.As education and training policy is a devolved matter there is a National Coordination Point (NCP) for the EQF and ECVET, and a National Reference Point (NRP) for EQAVET for each of the UK administrations.Objectives of the contract:To appoint an operational partner to:(a)act in an expert advisory capacity and represent the Welsh Government to deliver objectives of the EUVET tools;(b)act as the EQF NCP for Wales, represent the Welsh Government at EQF Advisory Group meetings and undertake subsequent EQF project work, including development of policy in line with Validation of Informal and Non-Formal Learning;(c)act as the EQAVET NRP for Wales and to raise awareness within the EQAVET quality network, including ReferNet and Cedefop activity;(d)act as the ECVET NCP;(e)report to the Welsh Government on EUVET activity, including, the Mutual Recognition of Professional Qualifications Directive and others, as appropriate;(f)coordinate the Wales NCP Steering Group and Secretariat;(g)co-ordinate the re-referencing of the CQFW to the EQF.(h)undertake associated work such as attending relevant meetings across Europe, as required, analysing papers, writing reports, reviewing reports for the purpose of drawing out the key ramifications for Wales, disseminating information on the EUVET tools to stakeholders, liaising with key agencies and other UK administrations and completing restricted calls from Europe for additional funding, as appropriate.NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at
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CPV Codes
80530000 - Vocational training services
80000000 - Education and training services
80400000 - Adult and other education services
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1 Possible Competitors